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  • laura
    laura Take a trip wherever your conscien ce HAS to roam" could mean two different things. HAS can mean "must", but it can also mean "having the freedom to". These two meanings of the word "HAS" are very, very different, and...  more
    • February 27, 2016
    • gibsongirl likes this.
    • laura
      Brian1964Smith Welcome Laura. We're glad you're here. With the exception of some of the earliest songs, many still unreleased, Gillian and Dave have been very much a songwriting team. That said, it's difficult to determine who may have written a specific line,...  more
    • laura
      shinyapple Laura, I love the ambiguity in that lyric also. And all the other ambiguities, especially because you can never tell who wrote which song, and the gender of the narrator is often unclear. I read a review of Time the other day where the (male) reviewer...  more
    • laura
      laura Yes! Clearly, ambiguity creates an atmosphere of inclusion. "Read into this what you will." Thanks, shinyapple!
  • laura
    laura I've been following Gil and Dave studiously for years, yet had never stumbled on this resource until today, for some reason.  I look forward to participating!
    • February 27, 2016
  • laura
    laura has just signed up. Say hello!