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Videos » My First Lover

My First Lover

Posted by MattWales
My First Lover
Posted July 8, 2011 - #My First Lover 
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  • MattWales likes this
  • MattWales
    MattWales I think there is. This reminds me too, I remembered last night when I was listening to this song. This was the song that got me hooked when I was just starting to listening to G&D.
    October 9, 2011 - Report
  • MattWales
    MattWales Still My Favorite!
    December 19, 2012 - Report
  • JasonK
    JasonK Nah, it's just the two of 'em.
    December 19, 2012 - Report
  • JasonK
    JasonK I wish there were more videos of them filmed properly.
    December 19, 2012 - Report